Trove of Gold
I hit the jackpot at Meig's Point at Hammonasset Beach where the William F. Miller Campground—the largest in the state—is named for my father. Born on farmland that would eventually become part of the park, my dad worked his way up to the position of Director, a job he held until his death in 1984.…
Jesus in the Street
When you head out for a walk and God's son appears on the corner of Brooks and Varnum, you know you're on the right path. Just pick him up and take him with you everywhere.
I tend to find keys. Or they find me. Yesterday a small gold one appeared on the bathroom floor of Fajitas and 'Ritas in downtown Boston. I think it opened the lock on the toilet paper hold. No matter, I left it untouched. This Tinkerbell one, however, was irresistible to me when I discovered it…
Sidewalk Queen
I found this tiny Queen of Diamonds card on the sidewalk while on an evening stroll with
my friend Margaret. Plastic coated,…
Writing and Treasure Hunting Workshop
Imagine that your life is a treasure trove of possibilities, and the way to discover the "gold" you seek is by cracking the codes of your past while revealing the clues to your future. Now imagine that by exploring those codes and clues through journal writing and spiritual exercises, you will…
The mason jars line one of my office bookshelves. Seven in all. Seven, like the major chakras. Seven, as in my favorite number. One holds colored glass marbles that I have found or bought in junk stores. Some of those marbles have been rescued from old board games. Rust red or milky white, they…