Treasure Hunting

Clue #7

Clue #7 in the Trove Armchair Treasure Hunt

Clue #5

Clue #5 Trove Armchair Treasure Hunt

Clue #4

Clue #4 Trove Armchair Treasure Hunt

Clue #3

Clue #3 Trove Armchair Treasure Hunt

Clue #2

Clue #2 Trove Armchair Treasure Hunt

Seven Jewels in Search of a Treasure

Bejeweled bracelet prize in the Trove Armchair Treasure Hunt. photo by Holloway McCandless When I decided to have my alchemist jeweler, Winnie, design a one-of-a-kind sterling cuff bracelet as the prize in the Trove Armchair Treasure Hunt, I knew each jewel I chose from my personal trove had to be…

Alchemy and Other Acts of Transformation

A trove full of treasures waiting to be transformed. Five years ago, just as I’d finished the first draft of my memoir, Trove: A Woman’s Search for Truth and Buried Treasure, I decided to become an alchemist. I actually wanted to practice the ancient art of transforming base metals into gold with…

Sidewalk Queen

  I found this tiny Queen of Diamonds card on the sidewalk while on an evening stroll with my friend Margaret. Plastic coated, protected from rain, this Queen really inspired this blog. I mean, if a girl can find diamonds (and royalty) lying around on the streets of her neighborhood, what…